Landscaping and Gardening Services in Pismo Beach and SLO County
Mon-Sat: 7:00AM - 5:00PM
26 Sep 2012

You Can Be Successful At Organic Gardening


Organic gardening has become very popular in recent years as people start to understand the consequences of corporate farming techniques. Many people who choose to live this lifestyle grow their own plants and herbs, so they can benefit from them. Organic produce is both nutritious and tasty, far surpassing the typical supermarket selection of fruits and vegetables. Rather than purchasing it from stores, you can choose to grow it yourself. This article will get you started with the knowledge you need to construct your personal organic garden.

Organic Gardening And You – Let’s Get Started!

In an organic garden, ruffle any seedlings with a piece of cardboard, or even your hand, a couple times each day. It sounds weird, but research has shown that handling the seedling like this often will make them grow bigger than seedlings that are ignored.

Open your imagination as to what type of plants you would like to plant into your organic garden. Treat plants that thrive in acid to some mulch. These kinds of plants will do better if they are mulched with a nice thick layer of needles from a pine tree during the fall season each year. The needles will decompose and transfer their acidity to the soil.

Help Your Backyard Plants Get the Nutrients They Need

All plants require certain nutrients for good growth. Carbon and oxygen are taken in through the leaves during photosynthesis, while the rest of the required nutrients normally are taken up through the roots. Most nutrients and water are taken up through the very fine roots called root hairs. These are very small, but are extremely numerous and effective in nutrient uptake. The more soil the roots are able to penetrate, the more potential they have to contact needed nutrients and water. Therefore, providing a non-compacted, well-drained soil is important for optimum growth of most plant species.

These tips will help your plants develop healthy root systems for maximum nutrient uptake:

Do not work in your garden when the soil is wet. Working the soil when it is too wet causes compaction which makes soil particles clump together, reducing the pore space between particles. This makes it more difficult for roots to penetrate the soil and leads to reduced water infiltration and increased runoff. While it may be tempting on those warm early spring days to dig up the garden, you should wait. The right time to work in your garden is when the soil crumbles slightly when you squeeze it in your hand.

Add organic matter to your soil. Organic matter is extremely important in improving soil structure and increasing pore space. Organic matter improves the ability of the soil to hold moisture during dry spells. Worms thrive on soil organic matter and are excellent at improving the structure of the soil through their tunneling activities. Also, their castings or excrement is an excellent source of plant nutrients. Compost and peat moss are both excellent sources of organic matter. Any time you use fresh vegetables in your cooking, take a moment after your meal preparation to finely chop any excess pieces and place them in your garden. As the chopped up vegetables compost, they will give your soil good nourishment. Of course, if you have a large amount of vegetable scraps, you should compost them in a compost heap, but small amounts of scraps can go directly to the soil.

Mulch your soil. Organic mulches such as bark chips or grass clippings help protect your soil from the impact of raindrops. They prevent crusting of the soil surface. Crusting of the soil can prevent seeds from sprouting and reduces infiltration of water into the soil. As mulch decomposes, it also adds more organic matter to the soil. Remember that some mulches will lower the pH (the acidity of the soil), making some nutrients less available.

Using a good amount of mulch is a wonderful method to conserve water in your garden at home. A greater amount of mulch means less frequent watering of the garden. Mulch can be either purchased from a store or you can use organic materials from your yard, including yard clippings, newspapers, or even dried leaves. It doesn’t matter as long as you have enough. Use raised beds for a garden if your yard has heavy, poorly drained soils. Raised beds can be made using tillage equipment. You can make permanent beds with rot-resistant wood, filled with a mixture of soil and organic matter. But, you may decide that growing plants tolerant of wet conditions is a less troublesome, more rewarding experience! If you treat your soil well, your plants should develop extensive healthy roots capable of taking up the required plant nutrients.

Annually rotate your garden. When similar plants are planted in pretty much the same spot every single year, this can cause fungal and disease growth. Plants of the same type will be vulnerable the next season. If you change things up on a regular basis by varying your planting locations, you take advantage of a natural methodology to avoid fungus and disease problems.

Grow items that are high in value, either in terms of money or in terms of your love for them. No two people are going to agree on the exact value of a plant because personal preferences vary. If you can grow plants that are costly in-store, there will be a savings. So, plant things that you love and enjoy their results.

To be most efficient in your gardening, always keep your tools close at hand. Put them into a basket you carry with you, or use an apron with many pockets and hanging loops. Tools you’ll need to garden efficiently include towels, gloves, pruning shears and other plant-specific tools.

Organic gardening sounds like a new fad but in fact it is the tried and true method that existed long ago before the advent of chemicals. In olden days, pilgrims were encouraged to plant a fish with their seeds when they sowed them into the ground. To help your organic garden along, you should start the previous year by making a compost pile. This will reduce your garbage production, reuse old refuse and recycle your fertilizer, leading to a more abundant garden.

There’s no need to buy produce that’s not up to standard. Apply what you’ve learned in this article today, and start growing your own produce. The more you know about the ins and outs of organic gardening, the more effective you’ll be.

Looking for more organic gardening ideas? talk to an Expert! Call 805-773-5395.

13 Sep 2012

Gardening Tricks That Can Work For Anyone


Gardening serves different purposes for many people. For some, gardening is really a means of relaxation, because they find it therapeutic to produce beautiful flower arrangements and provide new life to flowers. Others use gardening as a way of sustenance, growing their own fruits and vegetables for consumption. This article focuses on the Bonsai tree due to its miniature size and popularity as a household potting plant. Here are some gardening tricks that will work for everyone.

Gardening tricks for miniature plants

Picking a good indoor plant requires a little bit of research. When looking at plants to keep indoors it’s necessary to learn about its fragrance, growth rate, how quickly it loses leaves and other nuisances.

Do not allow the garden to go without water. Many people have unrealistic expectations of watering the garden after work every day, but life gets in the way and that is the end of the garden. Install a sprinkler system to ensure the garden gets enough water. Although this does add expense to the garden, the convenience of it is well worth the money.

Ladybugs are not only cute bugs, but in fact are of great benefit to your gardens. They eat insects called aphids that are notorious for destroying the stems and leaves of your plants. Having a limited number of ladybugs in your garden can help keep the aphid population at bay.

Collect your dirt for a soil analysis to see the nutrients your soil needs. You can get this tested at a local university’s agriculture department, usually for a fee. The fee is well worth it usually because then you will know what nutrients your dirt needs to have a garden that is successful.

An easy way to build up layers of plant materials for your compost pile is by putting the material in large plastic garbage bags. This can be done in the fall season after you have raked leaves in your yard. Store the bagged leaves in a warm place. When spring arrives, you will have perfect soil material to add to your compost pile.

If your tomato plants have long branches that are not flowering or producing fruit, go ahead and pinch them off. It won’t hurt the plant, but will actually help. Pruning back the branches that are not producing fruit allows the plant to focus its energy and nutrients on producing larger and more flavorful fruit.

Before planting anything, clean up as much as possible the area where you plan on having flowers or any other delicate plants. Remove all the weeds and the grass if you think it is necessary. Your flowers should not have any competitors for the nutrients they need while they grow.

More gardening tricks to consider

  • Draw your fingernails across a bar of soap, to seal the undersides of the nails off. This will prevent dirt from becoming trapped underneath them when you are gardening. When you are finished in the garden, you are able to clean your nails with a nailbrush to remove the soap.
  • Make use of a mixture of vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water to get rid of salt deposits. If you are having a problem of salt buildup on your clay pots, mix equal parts white wine vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water inside a spray bottle. Spray around the deposits and they will wash away with ease. Make sure to allow the pots dry thoroughly before use.
  • Grow sweet basil easily. Basil is definitely an annual herb, and incredibly responsive to cold, so try growing it in a pot in a sunny kitchen window. Continuous harvesting of the plant encourages growth so be sure to select the top leaves constantly. It can be grown within the garden, but watch out for lower night-time temperatures as this will cause the whole plant to wilt as well as die.
  • Recycled newspaper can be used within the garden. Newspapers are eco-friendly additions to a garden that can keep weeds at bay and help your soil retain important moisture. Simply wet some newspaper, and place it around the bases of your garden plants. Sprinkle with soil to ensure the paper does not blow away. It will smother any weed seedlings attempting to emerge and assist the soil hold onto its moisture.
  • If space is a problem, try vertical gardening. Despite the limited space of condos and townhouses, lots of people have thriving gardens within the small area they have using vertical gardening. By using trellised gardens one can grow pole beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers in a tiny place during the summer, and in the fall a wide variety of greens can be grown within the same space.

To help keep dirt from getting under your fingernails while gardening, reach for a bar of soap beforehand! Around we all love gardening, none of us enjoy all that soil that gets stuck under our nails that can be so challenging to remove. Simply claw a bar of soap before you begin employed in your garden and when finished, run both hands under water and as the soap washes away, the same is true the dirt!

Miniature plants can be great additions to a personal household. Aesthetically pleasing, Bonsai trees can be very meditative to prune to personal preference. While this article covers mainly Bonsai trees, the possibilities for gardening or utilizing smaller plants indoors are limitless. Potted plants cover a wide variety of species, from flowers to herbs.

In conclusion, lots of people have different reasons for gardening. Some garden for relaxation, while other garden for food. Should you remember the gardening tricks from this article, you may create an outdoor that meets your requirements. Whether you intend to grow a beautiful floral landscape, or perhaps a personal grocery in your back yard.

Looking for more gardening tricks? Contact us todayevergreen-contact

26 Aug 2012

Gardening: Improve Your Garden With This Useful Information

not only benefits you physically and emotionally, it can also feed your family and drive a business. You can determine all the things that you need so that you don’t waste any money on equipment that isn’t needed, or the wrong seeds for your type of environment.

Make sure you protect your knees well while you are gardening. Bending over for a long while is quite difficult for a lot of people. Kneeling is a preferred way to get to your plants while minimizing back pain. You can purchase an inexpensive kneeling pad for gardening in order to protect your knees.

Consider what particular vegetables are most often on your dining room table and include them when you plan your garden. By planting your own vegetables, you will save a lot of money at the grocery store and also experience fresher, better-tasting food. It is pointless to grow an item your family or you won’t eat, particularly if your space is limited.

If you have salt spots on your clay pots, try using a mixture of rubbing alcohol and vinegar. It is common for build-ups of salt to accumulate over long periods of time on pots made of clay. Clean the pot with a mixture of white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water measured equally into a spray bottle. Scrub it down with any brush you happen to have handy, and the salt will come right off. Use some clear water to rinse the pot before planting anything else in it.

Water your garden wisely. Put down the watering can or garden hose, and spread out a time-saving soaker hose instead. Keeping the water pressure low on your soaking hose will help avoid harm to tender plants. You can go about your business and leave your soaker hose at work for an hour or two.

Gardening Woes? Helpful Information To Improve It!

There are an immense number of resources available that you can use to obtain high quality gardening. Here are the best tips in one place in order to take up gardening.

• The handles of your gardening tools can be used as a convenient measuring instrument. Just lay your tool down on the floor next to the handles. Use a permanent marker to label the distances.

• You don’t need a costly chemical solution to deal with powdery mildew on plants. Mix a little liquid soap and baking soda into water. Spray this mix on plants every week and the mildew is gone. This method is not going to cause any damages to your plants and it will eliminate the mildew in a short amount of time.

When fall has arrived, it’s time to start planting all of your fall edibles. A hollowed out pumpkin can become a planting container instead of clay pots. Once you cut an opening at the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the insides, spray the edges and inside with Wilt-Pruf to prevent rotting.

• Don’t cut your grass too short. If you leave a bit more height, the roots will go down deeper into the dirt, which makes the grass less prone to drying and other hazards. Short grass is more prone to getting dried out and dead grass.

• Try “boiling” weeds in your garden with boiling water to get rid of them. Boiling water in a safe herbicide which won’t damage your garden or your body. Boiling water can hurt the weed roots and will inhibit future growth.

• Moisture on plants is a sure way to attract disease. Fungi are a very common problem in the world of gardening. It is possible to get rid of fungi after it appears with anti-fungal sprays, but the key is to treat your garden before any problems arise.

• Do you enjoy fresh mint leaves but hate how they grow so fast and take over your entire garden? You can stunt the growth by planting them inside a pot or super-sized bowl. You can plant the container into the soil if you want to, but the walls of the container will hold the roots captive, and make sure that the plant doesn’t run rampant in your garden.

• You should divide your irises. You can increase your stock of irises by dividing the overgrown clumps. The bulbs, and once you put them back into the earth; they will typically flower the following year. Use a knife to divide rhizomes. Cut new pieces from the outside then throw away the remaining center. Each new piece should possess at least one healthy offshoot. Replant your pieces as soon as you have finished the cuttings.

• If you are just getting into gardening, make sure you read and follow all the directions on any tool or chemical you use. If you miss this easy step, you expose yourself to safety hazards or a risk of experiencing adverse reactions. Keep yourself safe and always follow directions.

Gardening is an entertaining and rewarding activity. The greater your knowledge, the greater will be your gardening abilities. Research, hard work, and some dedication are the main requirements. Use all the information available to you. Try using these tips so you can get a better gardening experience! Once you see the literal fruits of your labors, the time and effort you’ve invested will seem worthwhile.

Need a jump start with your gardening? Contact Evergreen Landscaping for a free consultation, 805-773-5395.

16 Aug 2012

Home Gardening and Landscaping Ideas

During the last couple of years home gardening has become an increasingly popular past-time and hobby. Actually, research has shown that home gardening is at an all-time high in America at this time. In the USA 8 from 10 households take part in some form of home gardening activity. Obviously from the number of individuals which are doing the work, home gardening is one of the most widely used outdoor recreation in nation.

No time is better than the present. You probably have a lot of inquiries on how to start and what to do, but no worries, this article has you covered. It contains some great information about home gardening. And before you know it you will be on your way to growing an amazing garden.

Home Gardening and Landscaping Ideas

Many people that try their hand at home gardening plant flowers; at least they begin out planting flowers anyway. Roses will probably be the very first thought into any gardeners mind, but roses will require extra time and work, and really should probably be left to people who’ve gardened before. When planting flowers many choices can be found, for example bulbs, perennials, and annuals.

Edible vegetation is another big thing in home gardening. Perhaps the best thing about edibles is the reward of eating them. The list of edible plants that gardeners can grow at home is endless. Some of the most common edible plants in the vegetable arena are potatoes, peas, corn, carrots, squash, and cucumber. Many gardeners go for fruits, such as, watermelons, tomatoes, peaches, plums, apples, pears, and apricots. Small fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries often require less work and less space. These are making them much more feasible for home gardening.

Herbs, most often used as spices in cooking, are growing in popularity every single day. The most grown include basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, and cilantro. Probably the most essential things to watch whenever planting edibles is insects and disease. In the end, you don’t want to lose out on the feast you’re going to get to savor from healthy plants.

Many people don’t realize it, but landscaping is a form of home gardening. Landscaping covers many different areas and types of gardening. You may also classify mowing your lawn as landscaping! Keeping in the line of grasses, landscaping usually involves decorative grasses, and the great thing about them is they don’t take much work for upkeep. Kinds of grass include monkey grass, pampas, buffalo grass, flame grass, and ornamental millet. Landscaping is not just limited to plant life. Additionally, it includes anything completed to a yard for decoration, for example adding rocks or stones, placing a small pond, statutes, or a waterfall.

Learning More about Home Gardening and Landscaping

Humidity might be needed by some houseplants. You can create humidity in any environment by grouping different plants together in one pot, or replanting the specimen into a larger pot and filling the gap in with compost or stones. You can also provide the requisite humidity for your houseplants by using a spray bottle to mist it one or two times per day.

Clay is difficult to dig through with a shovel, as it is sticky and compact. To make working in clay easier, rub the shovel with floor or car wax and then buff it with a cloth. This will both make the clay fall off of the surface, and prevent the surface from rusting.

Collect rainwater for your plants to become more ecologically friendly. Using a barrel or any sort of container to collect any amount of rainwater can not only save you money on your water bill every month, but you are using a natural resource as well. Bear in mind this tip to have a chemical-free garden while saving money.

When deciding on which plants to include in your home gardening projects, consider evergreens which produce colorful berries. These types of trees can offer your garden a splash of color, especially during the winter when all other plants and trees have lost their hues. Some evergreens that will add life to your yard in the wintertime are the American Cranberrybush, Common Snowberry, Winterberry, and American holly.

There isn’t much difference between home gardening and gardening anywhere else. Plants still have to be planted inside a good location. The plants still need water plus they still require the same nutrients. Home gardening shouldn’t cause anyone to get nervous. Should you choose decide to use homing gardening and finding out that you simply don’t possess a green thumb, don’t get discouraged.

After reading this article, you should be well on your way to growing a fantastic garden. If you think that you were ready before, you should see yourself now. Acquire some information, read up on home gardening, and try it again the next planting season. Hopefully, the tips that were provided gave you some pointers that will help you get started with your gardening adventures so that you can begin growing like a pro.

Need a jump start with your home gardening? Call 805-773-5395 for a Free Consultation or 

10 Aug 2012

Container Gardening for City Dweller

Sometimes, the urge to garden might be stopped by other circumstances, such as living arrangements or space constrictions, but container gardening can help you. If you live in an apartment, you obviously can’t grow a garden, as you don’t have a back or front yard! One of the best solutions for this problem is to start container gardening. You can try sitting them near the window or on your balcony, or even hanging them. Just a few containers and your whole living area will look much more beautiful and serene. Even though you miss out on the full garden experience, there are benefits to container gardening.

Getting Started in Container Gardening

One benefit of growing in small containers is the fact that you can move them around to suit your needs. If you rearrange your furniture and feel that it would look nice better if it were in the other area, you can just move it over. No transplanting or labor required! As long as the lighting is about the same, your plant won’t mind moving at all. Another benefit of container gardening is the fact that you can adapt it to any environment. Depending on the type of soil you fill it with and where you place it.

container gardening

One way to give container gardening an interesting look is to hang them at different heights. Hanging plants is a great use of space and clears up your counters and windowsills. This is called “vertical gardening”. If you pull it off right, you can make a beautiful arrangement of plants while conserving your valuable space. If you live in an apartment, you know how important it is to conserve space! One method of vertical gardening is the use of a wooden stepladder. If painted correctly, you can arrange all the plants on it in a stylish cascade of color.

A downside to container plants is that you can’t use an irrigation system. Thus, have to go around and water your plants one at a time. However, the square footage for container plants is much less than that of an actual garden, so the time spent on maintenance and watering is more balanced. You won’t have to worry about weeds or pests. It is important that you don’t over-water your container plants. This can be just as fatal to their health as under-watering.

When choosing containers for your plants, buy some extra containers in case it breaks or other unforeseeable circumstances. Change things up by buying different sizes, shapes, and colors. Try to make sure that they complement each other. Plastic containers are the best and require the least amount of watering. But if you want clay or earthen pots then you should line the inside with plastic. This helps it retain water more, as the clay will soak up water.

container gardening

Another thing to remember when buying pots is the fact that the size of the pot will ultimately constrict the size of the plant. In other words, the smaller the pot, the smaller the plant. Make a careful choice of pots according to what you wish to grow in each one. If you search for the plant you chose on the internet, you should be able to find specifications as to how much root space it should be given. This can even be an advantage for you if you choose a plant that can grow very large. If you have a limited amount of space for it, you can constrict it by choosing a pot that isn’t large enough to support huge amounts of growth.

Tools for your Container Gardening

A lot of gardeners find the hobby to be both relaxing and therapeutic. Without the right information, though, it can be confusing. Gardeners have to know not only how to do the actual gardening, but what tools and equipment are most useful. Spend some time relaxing in the sun, tending your garden.

If you’re growing veggies in the garden, they need to be in a spot that lets them get about six hours of sun daily. Many veggies require this amount to properly grow at a faster pace. This is true of some flowers.


Two items you need to invest in when working in a garden are a wheelbarrow, and a kneeling stool. Using a large portion of your time near or on the ground working on your garden puts a huge strain on your knees. Therefore, having a portable, lightweight garden stool will greatly assist you in making gardening easier on them. A wheelbarrow will help you move heavy items without hurting your back so ensure that you invest in one promptly.

In a dark area, pre-soak your seeds overnight. Put a few seeds in a small container and fill it near to the top with water. This lets water soak into the seeds, giving them an extra boost of hydration when they start growing. The seeds will most likely have a greater chance of maturing and surviving.

As you have learned from this article, container gardening can seem like quite the task. Yet, it is manageable if you know what you’re doing. If the benefits of container gardening sound appealing to you, then you should start planning out your container garden today. If you write a list of all the plants you desire to have, you can do the necessary research. Find out what size and shape of pots you should get. After that, it’s just a matter of arranging them in a way that makes your home look the nicest.

If you have children, then container gardening can be a great hobby for your family to bond with each other. Most children enjoy choosing the plants and flowers that will go in the garden. Not only do most kids enjoy getting dirty, they will also take extra pride in everything you grow together.

Your garden will start giving you enjoyment after you realize you have the abilities to make it happen. A beautiful garden requires the right tools, soil, water and sunlight. If you need more container gardening assistance, contact us today! Or call 805-773-5395.

27 Jul 2012

Beautiful Garden Creation With These Great Tips

Creating a beautiful garden can be relaxing, but it doesn’t really require plenty of money. Performing necessary garden chores can be an excellent way of spending time together as a family. If you have children, they will be awe-struck by how seeds transform into colorful flowers and tasty vegetables. Additionally, gardening is a powerful teaching tool that helps people and children appreciate the outdoors and nature. The article below has tips that will make gardening easier, more enjoyable and inclusive to others.

Cover any wall or fence with climbers. Climbers have many different uses and spread quickly. They also work to cover up old, and possibly dead, vegetation. Some must be tied onto a support, but a number of climbers attach to surfaces with twining stems or tendrils. Plants such as clematis, wisteria, climbing roses, or honeysuckle are always great choices.

Your vegetable plants need about two or three inches of mulch placed around them. Mulch helps the soil surrounding the plants remain moister for a longer time. It will also dramatically decrease weed growth. Time and effort will be saved pulling out all the weeds.

If you are planning on growing peas, start them indoors before putting them outdoors in your garden. Pea seeds tend to germinate much better when planted indoors, before being moved to an outside garden. The baby plants will also be stronger and will resist pests and disease better. You will be able to transfer the seedlings outdoors after they become better established.

A small shed or an area in your garage makes the perfect storage facility for garden tools. Do not leave anything laying around in the yard; you do not know who might come by and steal it!

3 Tips in Landscaping your Beautiful Garden

Landscaping is usually a pretty big task that takes up a bunch of time and energy. Before you hire a professional, here are some tips that could save both time and money for your beautiful garden.

  1. There are some tasks that you will be able to do on your own, if you are willing to invest your time. However, if you have an awkward block such as very steep ground, a pro might give you the expertise to save costly mistakes.
  2. Spend some time thinking about exactly how you want the final outcome to be. Think about the style and function of your landscape. Do you want an area for entertaining? A barbeque? Is there to be an area for children to play, a fishpond or a swimming pool? An idea of the plants you want to be there will help. Focus on the area where you spend most of your time.
  3. The style of your home must be taken into account. If you have a rural cottage, formal gardens surrounding it will look out of place. Think also about your lifestyle. Do you want to spend hours caring for many beds of annuals or pruning beds of roses? If so, go ahead and plant them, but if you’d rather spend your free time at the beach, then go for an easy-care garden and landscape.

Here are some different landscape styles you can choose for your own  beautiful garden:

  1. Formal: This style uses lots of straight lines and perfect geometrical shapes. Orderly arrangement of plants instead of random positioning is employed. Close arrangement and pruning is seen on many landscaped gardens with this style.
  2. Informal: This kind of landscaping workds well with cosy cottages. Beds with curved edges instead of straight lines and random placement of plants suit this landscape style.
  3. Woodland: This landscaping suits a house that has a wooded backyard and sloping ground.
  4. English Garden: This style emphasizes the harmony between the house’s architecture and the garden.
  5. Oriental: It is often the kind of garden found in small backyards. It uses rocks, evergreens and water. A wide variety of plants create several interesting angles with this style.

In conclusion, whether you are creating a beautiful garden on your own or with friends, the tips you’ve read above are sure to be helpful. You’ll find ways here to bring the joy of gardening to friends and family. It also helps you to learn more in-depth understanding of your beautiful garden for yourself.

For more tips and suggestions on landscaping ideas for your beautiful garden, make an appointment with us for a consultation or contact us at 805-773-5395. We’ll help you keep your beautiful garden looking great all year round.