irrigation troubleshooting title

irrigation troubleshooting

An irrigation system is a complex structure of wires, pipes, and valves running underground. Problems can occur, but you can troubleshoot these issues and have water flowing again in no time.

Valve Leaks

Leaks around the valve can be caused by a variety of issues. Inspect the valve to find the leak’s location. Once you find the source, you can decide whether to repair or replace the valve.

Water Pressure

Water pressure issues could be the result of a bad valve, the main sprinkler shut off, or the pressure vacuum breaker. To test the valve, make sure it is turned on all the way. Then, compare it to other valves. Are the other the valves working properly? If so, then repairing or replace the low-flow valve will correct the issue. A lack of pressure in all the valves means there is a problem with the main sprinkler shut off or the pressure vacuum breaker.

Timing Issues

Irrigation systems not turning on with the timer means there is a valve issue or a wiring problem. Turning on the valve manually can isolate the electrical problem. If the valve works, check the wires for cuts or breaks. The issue could also be a bad solenoid.

If your irrigation system is underperforming or needs updating, contact Evergreen Landscaping today.