10 Common Gardening Mistakes

Gardening can be complicated, and as people learn the ins and outs of gardening, they are sure to make a number of mistakes. There is definitely a learning curve, but many of the most common gardening mistakes can be avoided.

Over watering

Over watering can cause roots to rot and mold. It stresses plants and causes them to become susceptible to a variety of pests and other issues. How often you need to water depends on your soil type as well as the plants in your garden. A great guide is an invaluable tool.

Planting too deep

Planting your seeds or bulbs too deep will not allow them to poke through the soil in the same amount of time they would otherwise. This could delay the bloom of flowers or not give a long enough growing season for vegetables.

Planting too close

An easy gardening mistake to make is to plant seeds too close and not thin them out as your plants grow. When planting seeds, look at the directions on the packet and think of how big the plants will be rather than the seed size. You don’t want your plants to have to compete too hard for the resources they need to grow.

Putting the Garden in the Wrong Spot

Placement of your garden can be one of the easiest gardening mistakes to make for new gardeners. You want a place that gets at least 6 hours of sun per day, but you also want it in a convenient spot. If your garden is set off out of sight, or far away from a water supply, then the odds of you keeping up on weeding and watering get slimmer.

Planting Invasive

Some plants will quickly and easily take over an entire plot of land. This is another easy gardening mistake to make. Getting some information from your local gardening center or a landscaper will ensure you do not choose plants that take over.

Not Preparing the Soil

The soil in your garden needs to be prepared. It should be checked with a soil testing kit, compost can be added and turned into the soil, and it should be worked and be free of debris and weeds. A soil preparation guide can help you.

Planting bulbs Upside-Down

When bulbs are planted upside-down, they take longer to reach the surface. Some may not bloom at all the first year. Look at the bulbs as you plant them. One end is a root end, and the other where the first shoots will come out.

Pruning Trees at the Wrong Time

Another of the most common gardening mistakes is to prune flowering trees and shrubs at the wrong time. As general rule, the best time to prune is directly after the blooms have faded.


Fertilizing is a good thing for plants. But over-fertilizing is one of the gardening mistakes that many new gardeners make. The nitrogen in fertilizers causes accelerated leaf growth. This is good for business, but it can hamper blooming and vegetable growth.

Misusing Weed- and Bug-Killers

Always read the directions on your pesticides and make sure to know what is attacking your plants to avoid making these common gardening mistakes.

Not Planning Properly

Working with a professional landscaper can help you to plan your garden properly. Many new gardeners choose too many plants for the space they have available, and many start with a space that is too big for them to tend themselves.

To avoid these common gardening mistakes altogether, you can work with a professional landscaper who can help you plan your garden, and even help you with the regular maintenance. Knowing what your garden needs, and what it doesn’t, will go a long way toward evading these and other common gardening mistakes. If you would like to get assistance with your garden and landscaping, contact us today.