Why Pruning Trees and Shrubs Is Necessary

The keys to pruning your trees and shrubs effectively are using the right tools, simple techniques, and the correct timing for each plant species you want to keep healthy. However, before you take any sharp tools to your beloved trees and shrubs, you should understand why you’re pruning them in the first place. Every cut you make will alter your plant’s growth and shape, so we’re going to outline several reasons why you should read up on pruning your trees and shrubs below.

Better Growth

Pruning a growing tree or shrub stimulates new growth production. So, if you’re looking to get some vigorous new growth on a tree or shrub, you should prune it a lot. Consider pruning in this fashion when you have a tree or shrub that has a weak growth section, like in the back. If you’ve ever pinched back new growth with your fingers on smaller plants, you’ve pruned them.

Size Restriction

If you live in an area with restricted space, pruning your trees and shrubs can ensure that they don’t get out of hand and take over. Gardeners who live in suburban or urban areas usually have to do some type of pruning to keep the shrubs and trees from outgrowing the garden, yard, or pot. Root pruning is another option that can help you restrict your container plant’s size.

Structural Soundness and Improving Health

Any injured, diseased, dead, or dying branches should get pruned away to keep your tree or shrub healthy. If your branches rub together, you should prune them to get rid of the possibility of damaging the main branch. Maintaining your tree’s structural soundness usually comes down to good pruning practices. You have to be careful not to top the tree because topping can make it prone to pests and weak. It can also slowly start to kill your tree over a number of years.

Encourages Fruit and Flowering

Pruning is a great way to coax small growth spurts for fruit and flowers on your trees or shrubs. You encourage strong flower buds when you prune things. You can easily prune them lightly during the summer to give the tree or shrub better air circulation around the fruit. This will reduce the chances of fruit diseases developing while encouraging the fruit to ripen faster.

Protects Property and People

Any trees that are by sheds, homes, play structures, or other buildings pose a threat to your safety if the tree falls, or heavy branches snap off. They can also negatively impact power or telephone lines, and pruning can help keep the property, pets, and people safe.

Improves Appearances

A lot of people’s top priority when they prune their plants is to improve the look of the garden or yard. Removing unwanted, dead branches and suckers creates a nice shape. It also leaves your plants looking tidy and neat all season long.

Contact Evergreen Landscaping

If you’ve never had to prune any shrubs or trees before, it can seem overwhelming to take this project on the first time. This is also true for people who have larger trees or shrubs around. You can contact the professionals at evergreen landscaping and allow our staff to come out, assess your situation, and prune your trees and shrubs to keep them healthy.