5 Reasons to Use Crushed Rock Landscaping title

More homeowners are eliminating grass lawns and replacing them with crushed rock, gravel, and stone. Crushed rock landscaping can change the way you maintain your yard and improve its look. Here are 5 reasons to add crush rock to your yard or garden today.

Less water

In January 2018, it was reported that Californians used 71 gallons of water per person per day. Much of that went on lawns. Crushed rock landscaping reduces the amount of water you use on your lawn and garden.

Lower maintenance

Crush rock landscaping decreases the amount of time you spend working in the yard. Having less grass to mow and fewer flowers means there is less work to do.

Reduces fossil fuels

Lawn mowers use fossil fuels by way of gasoline. Even electric lawn mowers use fossil fuels if the electricity comes from a coal power plant. By adding crush rock around your house, you reduce fossil fuel consumption.


Crushed rock landscaping can be cost effective and doesn’t need to be constantly looked after like flowers and grass. You can also DIY and complete the job in no time.

Lowers chemical use

Chemicals and fertilizers are often used to make lawns look gorgeous. Those chemicals can make their way into the water table. Crushed rock ends the need for heavy doses of chemicals being sprayed on your yard. It can have a positive effect on your health and health of others.

If you need assistance with your landscaping rock project, contact us today.