5 summer gardening hacks IG

You can use these five summer gardening hacks to keep your garden beautiful and thriving all season long without breaking your back or the bank.

Add Mulch

Adding layers of mulch to your flowerbeds and around your plants add an eye-catching color while helping to lock moisture in and smother weeds. Refresh it once or twice during the growing season and watch your savings add up as you use less water.

Companion Plant

Planting different flowers and plants side by side form beneficial relationships. Basil and tomatoes enhance the flavor of the tomatoes while keeping flies away.

Insulate with Pots

If you’re afraid of your seedlings getting hit with a cold snap and dying, you can insulate them with pots. Flip terra cotta pots over and place them over your seedlings at night to insulate them.

Use Natural Pest Control Methods

You can deal with pesky bugs in your garden by adding natural pest control. Mint plants can ward off biting bugs, and citrus peels or essential oil can get rid of several pests without harming your plants.

Encourage Deep Roots with Deep Watering

Watering your plants deeply every other morning or evening can help to encourage deep roots. This deep root system will make your plants more durable and resistant to drought.

Need help creating your perfect garden? Contact us today.