7 Household Plants with Benefits

Seven Household Plants with Benefits You Didn’t Know About

We bring plants into our homes, give them as gifts and take them to invalids. Is there more to the keeping and giving of houseplants than simple beauty and a little cheer when you can’t get outside? After you read about some common beneficial houseplants and herbs, you may look at the plant on your desk differently.

Houseplant Air Filtering Benefits

Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide-based pollutants and recycle them into oxygen. Houseplants do the same. We learn more every day about the potential dangers of a polluted home or workplace. Everything from carpet to fabric softener emits some degree of chemical pollution. Some of the best plants for cleaning the air in your home are:

• Boston Fern
• Spider Plant
• Chrysanthemum (Garden Mum, common)
Snake Plant (Snakeplant)

You probably have a Boston Fern hanging on your porch or patio. Bring it indoors. This household standard is perfect for the kitchen and doesn’t require direct light. Another good spot for a Boston Fern is the laundry room.

Spider Plants are frequently seen in offices. Does your co-worker pour on the cologne or use scented laundry detergents? Add Spider Plants to your work area. They help remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air.

Chrysanthemums make great gifts because they’re hardy and, when trimmed properly, can flourish inside all year. They add color to any room. Cuttings are easy to root in water. One chrysanthemum can lead to a whole window full of beauty, and cleaner air.

You may have a Snake Plant and not even know it. They have tall, sturdy, pointed leaves. The leaf color varies from grass green to true green, striped with white. It’s a good plant for the office because it will still be healthy if no one waters it during your vacation. Snake Plants like a dry environment.

Other Houseplant Health Benefits

Some of your favorite plants clean the air and have additional health benefits. Others are healthy and tasty. Our suggestions are:

• Aloe Vera
• Basil

Got a minor cut or burn? Snap off the tip of an aloe leaf and apply the gel. Aloe works its air-cleaning magic at night, so you may like to keep a plant in the bedroom as well as the kitchen.

Mint repels insects outdoors and indoors. Keep a plant in a sunny kitchen window. Pinch off leaves, freeze in ice cubes and add to your drinks.

Basil is delicious, easy to grow in windows that receive full sun most of the day and has anti-inflammatory benefits.

A Healthy Indoor Garden

The plants discussed here are ideal for experienced gardeners and people who just want a few plants around the house and kitchen. They’re easy to maintain. Plants from your landscaper are healthier than those from big box stores.

For a well-rounded indoor garden with a variety of health benefits, contact us. We’ll work with you to find plants that suit your lifestyle.

Things to Remember:
• Most air-cleaning plants need lots of light
• Keep humidity-loving plants in the kitchen or bath
• Plants and herbs aren’t substitutes for medical care

Contact us to learn about our selection of beneficial houseplants.