7 Things To Do With All Those Leaves

There’s only so many times you can jump into your pile of raked leaves. So what else can you do?

Well, don’t burn them! That will pollute the air. Check out these eight awesome ideas instead!

  1. Mow the leaves already on your lawn. They’ll break down into the soil and provide nutrients for your grass.
  2. Use them to cover and protect the perennials in your garden. No need to buy mulch when you can give the leaves you already have a new purpose.
  3. Give your compost pile a boost with the nutrients in the leaves. Your garden will thank you in the spring.
  4. Store your root vegetables between layers of leaves. Vegetables like carrots and beets will thrive this way. Just sprinkle water on each layer.
  5. Store the leaves in bags with a little bit of moisture and create leaf mold.    Leaf mold is a kind of leaf-only compost that can be used as a soil conditioner.
  6. Dry out handfuls of leaves to make little kindling firestarters. While you may not be able to burn giant piles of leaves, you can still use some to start a bonfire. S’mores anyone?
  7. Try crafts. Bring those fall colors indoors with some fun crafts that you can have for years to come.

Doing any of these things will guarantee your garden has a great winter and an even better spring!

Contact Evergreen Landscaping today to create the garden of your dreams.
