Landscaping and Gardening Services in Pismo Beach and SLO County
Mon-Sat: 7:00AM - 5:00PM
08 Mar 2023

Seasonal Vegetable Planting Calendar – Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

Seasonal Vegetable Planting Calendar

Many gardeners are unsure what to grow and when to start their vegetables. While garden centers are packed in spring with seedlings, it’s not the only season you can plant. Not every zone allows for year-round gardening, but most will give you three seasons’ worth of planting time. We’ll outline what to grow and when to maximize your yields below to take full advantage of this.

Spring Vegetables – March, April, and May

This is when the weather starts to warm up, and you can plant cold-tolerant vegetables in March. This includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, endive, potatoes, head lettuce, onions, radishes, peas, onions, turnips, spinach, and beets.

You can plant chard, collard, leaf lettuce, carrots, onion sets, and salsify in April. At this time, some of the vegetables you grew in the middle of March can be ready to go, including radishes and lettuce.

By the time May rolls around, spring is in full swing. Most traditional gardening starts this month, and you can plant lima and snap beans, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, melons, pumpkins, okra, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, winter and summer squash, and tomatoes. Also, it’s time to harvest some things you planted in April, including collard, leaf lettuce, green onions, lettuce heads, spinach, and peas.

Summer Vegetables – June, July, and August

Summer brings pests and bugs to your garden, but the planting and harvesting processes continue. By June, your collards, cabbage, snap beans, carrots, chard, endives, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, peas, green onions, turnips, beets, and late spinach will be ready to harvest. In addition, you can sow more snap beans, sweet corn, and cucumbers to lengthen your summer harvest.

When you get to July, you’ll start planting your fall crops. Carrots, cabbages, cauliflower, turnips, and broccoli are ready to harvest. Snap beans, potatoes, summer squash, and cucumbers should be growing nicely at this point, and your peppers, melons, tomatoes, and sweet corn should be almost ready to harvest. Replant another round of broccoli, cabbage, carrots, and cauliflower to harvest in the fall.

In August, you’ll focus more on harvesting than planting. Cucumbers and beans are usually a considerable harvest at this point, and both watermelon and eggplants are ripening. In addition, okra, peppers, summer squash, sweet corn, and tomatoes are ready to harvest, and you can replant your lettuce, radishes, spinach, kale, beets, and turnips for a late-season harvest.

Fall Vegetables – September and October

Once the weather gets less predictable and the leaves start to turn, the seasons shift to fall. Everything that didn’t ripen in August will finish in September and October. You’ll be able to harvest cucumbers, lima beans, peppers, eggplants, squash, sweet corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, and winter squash. If you planted a second round of your crops for a fall harvest, you’ll enjoy carrots, cabbages, broccoli, beets, lettuce, cauliflower, spinach, radishes, and turnips.

Depending on the local climate, you may be able to plant a few winter vegetables at this point. Spinach, leaf lettuce, and turnips are all viable options to consider.

Winter Vegetables – November

Any straggler vegetables that were still ripening in October should be ready to harvest now. In addition, a few early varieties you planted in early to mid-October should be ready to pick at the end of November or the beginning of December. Baby spinach is a very popular crop this time of year, and it’s time to dig up any beets or potatoes you left in the ground from the last planting session.

Contact Evergreen Landscaping for More Information on Growing Vegetables

If you’d like to learn more about which vegetables thrive in your planting zone, contact us. We’re happy to help set up a planting schedule to ensure you get a large harvest throughout the seasons.

08 Feb 2023

Easy Ways to Remove Weeds from Patios and Pavers

Easy Ways to Remove Weeds from Patios and Pavers

You want your pavers to look nice, but weeds can make this a challenge when they start popping up in the cracks. To make matters worse, different weeds have varying root systems, so getting rid of them for good can be difficult. We want your walkways or paths to look nice, so we’re going to highlight several easy ways to remove weeds from your pavers or patio below.

1. Boiling Water

Pouring boiling water on the weeds is a quick and easy way to remove them from the cracks. This trick works nicely for stubborn perennial weeds like dandelions. Start by pulling or cutting the leafy tops off, and then carefully pour the boiling water into the cracks. Some perennial weeds can come back, but they should die off after two or three treatments.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar can be a good option to remove young perennial or annual weeds, but it won’t work well to kill off established perennial weeds. Also, vinegar will alter the soil’s nutrient composition and make it harder for things to grow, so you must be careful when applying it. Remove the upper leafy portion of the plant first and pour the vinegar directly into the cracks. You want to use white vinegar instead of red because red vinegar can stain the pavers.

3. Good Pointing

If the soil between the pavers is loose, it is easier for the weeds to push through it. First, remove the weeds with any tool you like to give yourself a clean working space. Dig out the soil or hit it with a quick blast of water from the pressure washer. Next, pour polymeric sand into the cracks, ensuring you brush off as much from the paver or patio surface as possible. To finish, wet the sand with your hose on a light mist setting to make it compact and seal.

4. Weeding Knife

One of the best ways to eliminate weeds in this problem area and keep them out is to weed between the pavers or around your patio routinely. You can get a weeding knife or tool and move along the spaces, scooping the weeds out. You do want to get the root system when you pull the weeds to reduce the chances of them returning. You can find long-handled knives if you have a bad back, and you may want to get something to kneel on while you work.

5. Grow Ornamentals

Weeds won’t grow well if there is steep competition for space in your paver cracks or around the patio. These areas can also look bleak if the stone covers a large area or isn’t a soft color. A nice way to add life to the space is to plant ornamental plants in and around any cracks. Consider adding trailing bellflowers or Mexican fleabane in low-traffic areas and creeping thyme or bugle in areas with more people walking by and on them.

Evergreen Landscaping Can Help with Your Weed Problem

Pesky weeds can be an ongoing battle, especially if you want a neat and tidy yard. If you’ve tried our methods and you’re still having weed problems, contact us. Our staff is happy to come out, survey the situation, and help you get rid of your weeds once in for all.

11 Jan 2023

What is a Tapestry Lawn and How to Care for It

What is a Tapestry Lawn and How to Care for It

A tapestry lawn is a term for a popular landscape trend. You may hear it referred to as a meadow lawn, matrix garden, patchwork lawn, or prairie lawn. This setup requires removing your traditional grass and replacing it with a mix of flowers and native plants in different sizes, heights, and textures. Tapestry lawns bring both ecological and aesthetic benefits to your space too.

Defining Tapestry Lawns

As the name implies, a tapestry lawn has a mixture of colorful plants that work to create a pretty piece of art. Most homeowners choose to go for low landscapes, and this lawn can vary in height. It can have lower options that sit between 6 and 10 inches, but you can have your plants’ sizes up to 48 inches, depending on your goals. Generally speaking, your landscape will have plants that offer movement, fill in any gaps, and show a new arrangement from season to season. However, the main difference between a wild setup and your lawn is that you pick the plants for your space with environmental, practical, and aesthetic value.

How to Care for a Tapestry Lawn

Generally speaking, you won’t have to do much maintenance every month if you pick out the right native plants for your climate. Instead, most of the maintenance will be at the start of the season for a small clean-up. Then, you’ll have to turn your sights on mowing, trimming, and picking the best plants.

Choose the Best Plants

Tapestry lawns aren’t one zone or size fits all. When you work inside this landscape, the plants you pick out should grow natively to your area, have low water needs, and be non-invasive. In addition, all the plants you pick out should have similar light, water, and humidity needs, so they all thrive.

To create a flourishing tapestry lawn, you’ll want to choose colorful plants for ground covering, like Moonshadow Euonymus, Japanese Spurge, or Angelina Stonecrop. Since this setup usually doesn’t have any ornamental grasses, you’ll want to put a selection of plants to cover the ground that is resistant to foot traffic and aesthetically pleasing to pull off the lush, full look.

Mowing and Trimming

It’s possible to mow your tapestry lawn using a string trimmer or a mower on the highest setting. If you have a sandy area in your yard, you’ll want to skip it and leave the trimmings in place. You want to make a point to rake the debris out for spots that get more sun.

The idea with tapestry lawns is to allow the plants to take the lead and guide how you maintain your space. You may need to make minor changes, like replacing plants or removing ones that seem too aggressive for the area. However, these lawns generally need much less when it comes to weekly lawn mowing. They all require fewer resources once your plants establish themselves. You won’t have to worry about aerating, watering, or fertilizing.

Evergreen Landscaping Can Help Set up Your Tapestry Lawn

Do you want to set up a tapestry lawn in your yard, but you’re not sure where to start or which plants to choose? If so, contact us. Our staff is ready to set your tapestry lawn up for success and reduce your yard maintenance this season.

07 Dec 2022

The Best Way to Lay Mulch

The Best Way to Lay Mulch

While mulching your landscape can seem simple at first glance, there is more to consider if you want your labor and time to turn into a pretty landscape with healthy plants. Our quick step-by-step guide will tell you how to lay mulch and give you plenty of tips to use along the way.

Step One – Figure Out How Much Mulch You Need

 The first thing you should do is figure out how much mulch you need. To do this, you must figure out your flower beds’ square footage. You’ll do this by multiplying the width and length of each one. The average step you take is 2.5 feet long, so walk along the edge of the beds and count the steps you take along the length and the width.

  • Total Length – 2.5 x the number of steps
  • Total Width – 2.5 x the number of steps

Once you get the total square footage, you’ll need to figure out how many bags of mulch you’ll need.

  • Two Cubic Foot Bags – Square footage divided by 12 to get the number of bags needed to put down a two-inch layer of mulch.
  • Three Cubic Foot Bags – Square footage divided by 18 to get the number of bags needed to put down a two-inch layer of mulch.
  • Bulk – Square footage divided by 128 to get the amount of bags needed to put down a two-inch layer of mulch.

Step Two – Gather Your Tools

 Once you know how much mulch you’ll need for your garden beds and you buy it, you’ll have to get your tools. You’ll want to get a pitchfork, shovel, wheelbarrow, rake, and gloves. Having everything on hand will help the project go smoothly from start to finish.

Step Three – Clean the Beds Out

 Remove any debris, dried-up leaves, old mulch, and sticks from the beds. Take time to clean up the bed edging along the beds, and use a spade to cut a defined, clean line between the lawn and bed.

Step Four – Water the Beds

If you haven’t had any rain in the area and the beds are dry, water them. The mulch will help to retain moisture. Before you water the beds, you may want to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weeds from poking through.

Step Five – Remove any Weeds

Clean out any weeds you spot in your garden beds. Remember, the main benefit of mulching is that it suppresses weed growth, so you shouldn’t have to weed the beds nearly as much.

Step Six – Spread the Mulch

Shake the mulch from the bag or shovel it from your wheelbarrow into small piles. Put on gloves and use your hands to spread the mulch, especially as you get close to your plants. The mulch should be two to four inches thick because weeds will push through if it’s too thin. On the other hand, if the mulch is too thick, water won’t reach the soil. Once you finish, you can water the mulch to help it settle into place.

Contact Evergreen Landscaping

Not sure how much mulch you need? Maybe you don’t have time to lay mulch yourself. Whatever the reason, our professional staff is here to help. Reach out and contact us to set up an appointment.

09 Nov 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Clover Lawns

Everything You Need to Know About Clover Lawns

Clover lawns recently exploded in popularity on TikTok, and they’re the newest trend in heat-tolerant, drought-friendly, and eco-forward landscape designs. People add clover to their lawns to help offset common issues they have with their lawn as a result of climate change. However, before you jump on this trend yourself, you’ll want to know more about it. So, we’ll highlight the important parts of clover lawns below.

Defining Clover Lawns

A clover lawn is either a mix of traditional turf grass and clover or exclusively clover. Clover is a legume, which means it will draw nitrogen from the air and into the ground, which is very beneficial to the grass, soil, and nearby plants. Also, adding clover means you won’t need to fertilize.

Planting Zones for Clover Lawns

Depending on the species, your clover lawns can thrive in USDA planting zones 3 to 10. It does very well in areas like Texas and California, as they offer dry summers and mild winters. Dutch White Clover is very popular; it spreads and grows rapidly when you start it in the spring. Generally speaking, clover grows best in full sun, especially in zones six to nine. You want to check with your local nursery to see which clover cultivar will work in your climate before you buy it.

How to Plant a Clover Lawn

You may already see some clover scattered throughout your lawn, but the real trick is getting a fuller thatch. To do so, it all boils down to consistent work.

  1. Figure Out the Correct Planting Time
    Spring is the best time to plant your clover. After the first frost passes for the season, mow the lawn. At this point, if your soil’s pH levels aren’t between six and seven, you can amend the dirt by adding fine sand.
  1. Check the Soil
    You have to check and prepare your soil before you plant your clover. Once you do, you’ll want to plant your clover seeds and water them thoroughly until they establish a root system. They grow best in loamy or sandy soil with a pH range of six to seven.
  1. Plant the Clover
    Mix the clover seeds into the sandy loam soil while making sure you cover the whole area. Next, lightly rake the area where you seeded your clover, and water it every day for 10 to 14 days until the seeds start to germinate. Once the seedlings grow leaves, cut back on your watering as you now have an established clover lawn.

How to Care for and Maintain Your Clover Lawn

Once the clover establishes itself, you can sit back and relax. Clover won’t need nearly as much mowing as a traditional lawn, and you shouldn’t have to apply any herbicides or worry about pests. Also, clover won’t turn yellow when your pets go to the bathroom like a traditional lawn will.

Mow Sporadically

As long as your clover gets four to six hours of sun every day, it usually maintains itself. You’ll mow it roughly three or four times every year, but you can adjust this based on your preferences. If you’re after the English garden aesthetic, you can let the clover grow to the maximum height of eight inches.

Contact Evergreen Landscaping

If you want to know more about a clover lawn or get help establishing this lush, green look in your own yard, contact us.