blue oakBlue Oak is a very beautiful tree. Its only downfall is that it is slow growing. It will only add a few inches to its height every year. Still, many people have found it to be well worthwhile. It is a medium sized deciduous tree with an average height of 50 to 82 feet. It takes an upright, rounded form and is very reminiscent of other trees in the oak family. For those with the time and the space, it can make a beautiful addition to an outdoor living space.

The Blue Oak gets its name from the blue-green tint of its leaves. The blue hue can be easy to miss until the tree is viewed against a lush green backdrop of another oak such as the live oak, with which it often shares space in the wild. The bark of the Blue Oak is a gray color with medium-sized dark cracks. The bark of the Blue Oak can even appear white from a distance, offsetting the blue-green leaves perfectly.

Many people who enjoy nature viewing choose oak trees of all sorts for their outdoor living spaces. Blue Oak is often used as an accent or edge piece for butterfly gardens and hummingbird gardens. The professionally trained landscapers at Evergreen Landscaping can help you decide if the Blue Oak is what you need for the perfect look and feel for your home or business. These trees also provide cooling shade while their leaves are full, giving an even bigger benefit for many applications.

Like most oaks, the Blue Oak bears acorns, which can also be a source of food for wildlife. The acorns are approximately one inch in length with a moderately sweet kernel. The acorns mature 6 – 7 month from pollination.

Blue Oaks do very well with a variety of other plants. Coffeeberry, Buckbrush, other oaks and pines are great companion plants. Most homeowners or business owners will find, however, that the Blue Oak does best with a well-drained soil and they are most comfortable on slopes, which helps to drain the soil. They prefer full sun, but they will tolerate partial shade. This is especially true when they are younger and first taking hold in their environment. The Blue Oak is also very drought tolerant. It can live with one summer watering per month, but it truly prefers a more arid or well-drained environment.

When you are looking to set up your perfect outdoor living space or business landcape, Evergreen Landscaping can help you to choose the perfect plants, trees, and shrubs for your application. The beautiful Blue Oak may be just the perfect tree with which to surround your yard or business. While they take time to grow, most will agree that their beauty is worth the wait.

At Evergreen Landscaping, we believe you should be just as comfortable in your outdoor living spaces as you are indoors. Contact us today or call at (805) 773-5395 for a consultation and to share your ideas and your vision for your landscaping. We will help you find the perfect solutions to any of your outdoor space issues.