If you’ve never gardened before or you’re new to the Pismo Beach area, this guide will put you on the right path to a successful Farm to Table garden.

Working with Your Climate

beans pole

California’s weather can make or break your garden.

Take a look at a package of pole bean seeds. Beans are easy to grow and germinate in two weeks or less.

The map on the back of your pole bean seed packet tells you that the best time to plant is May through June.

In Southern California, you can start a little earlier.

If you sow pole beans in April, you will probably be able to plant again in July and double your harvest.

Early spring weather is unpredictable.

Monitor forecasts carefully and wait to plant outdoors until the weather is stable.

Other low-maintenance climbing veggies are peas and some varieties of squash.

How Will You Grow Your Garden?

It’s tempting to buy juvenile plants at the store instead of taking chances with starting seeds.

Here’s why you should avoid big box store plants:

• They’ve probably been treated with bee-killing insecticides and herbicides
• They may be infected with plant diseases
• Their seeds may not be viable

tomatoesTomatoes are particularly vulnerable to diseases like powdery mildew or Sequoia leaf spot.

Plant diseases spread via your hands, gardening gloves, tools and wind.

Young plants from the big box store haven’t received individual care.

If you want young plants ready to go in the ground, ask your landscaper where to find healthy plants that haven’t been doused in chemicals.

Tomatoes, peppers and herbs are easy to start indoors from seed.

All you need is a warm room with a window that gets sun most of the day.

Beans, peas and squash are best planted directly in well-tilled earth.

Seedling Care

Waterseedling care your garden in the evening, after the sun is off the plants.

Watering plants at the base helps avoid leaf fungus.

Pluck weeds as soon as they appear, taking care to get the root.

Familiarize yourself with the appearance of seedlings.

It’s very easy to pull up seedlings with weeds.


Late Summer Harvests

zucchiniZucchini is well known for its abundance.

Plant it and other ground squashes to maximize your garden’s potential.

Eggplant will produce all summer if you harvest it regularly.

This is also true of tomatoes, peppers and basil.

Pinch off the tops of basil plants when they start to flower to keep the herb from going to seed.


Don’t Forget the Flowers

lavendersYou need bees for a successful garden.

Honeybees are attracted to yellow, orange and purple flowers.

Bumblebees like lavender.

Use bee-attracting flowers to border your vegetable garden for a prosperous Farm to Table garden.



Things to Remember:

• New gardeners should start with easy-growing staple veggies and herbs
• Get to know your local weather
• Ask about plant health and chemicals when buying young plants
• A colorful flower border attracts pollinators

Contact us for plants, irrigation and other gardening needs.