What Are the Five Biggest Landscaping Mistakes

No one likes making mistakes, but landscaping mistakes can be costly. We’ve picked out the five biggest landscaping mistakes you can make. This way, you know precisely what to avoid when you tackle your next landscaping project. Read on to see what they are!

Mistake One – Incorrectly Figuring Costs

When it comes to building a new home, many people forget to budget for landscaping or don’t figure their costs correctly. This means that you end up with a beautiful building and a barren yard. Before you start and build or renovation project, get estimates for landscaping costs. Although this is the last part of any project, it can pull your entire project together. Get a few estimates from different companies and price out everything you want.

Mistake Two – Not Having a Landscaping Plan

A landscaping plan outlines where everything will go to help ensure you get a cohesive look. It lays out all of your plants, shrubs, trees, and any features you’d like to incorporate. You can create centerpieces with water features or bright flowers and build your design around it. If you don’t have a plan in place, you can end up with pieces that don’t go together correctly for a very sloppy look.

Mistake Three – Planting Edging Straight Lines

Many people make the mistake of edging or planting in straight lines because they think it looks neater. However, flowers and trees don’t naturally grow in straight lines. Planting them like this makes them look fake. When you want to create an edge between your flower beds or shrubs, go for a slightly curved design. Plant your flowers in groupings instead of rows for a more natural look.

Mistake Four – Not Considering Maintenance

Unless everything in your yard is fake, you’ll have routine maintenance. Not taking this into consideration when you design can be a big mistake that causes you headaches all season long. Tight turns and small spaces for your mower to maneuver around, a lack of mulch, and too many flower beds to take care of gives you more work. You want to enjoy your hard without spending every day looking after it.

Mistake Five – Forgetting the Mature Plant Size

Not considering the plant’s mature size when you buy them is the final big mistake people make. The small shrub or tree you bought and planted will eventually grow. For example, if you have a small yard and plant a huge spruce tree, what will happen? Eventually, the tree will grow and start to obscure your view of the street. Many people plant their shrubs too close together or too close to the house and run into problems later. Double-check the size of anything you pick out and plant it accordingly.

Landscaping can be an expensive investment in your home, so it’s important to do it correctly the first time. Hiring a professional company can ensure you avoid these routine mistakes and end up with a beautiful yard or garden. Contact us to book a consultation today!