What is Defensive Gardening

When people think of their outdoor security, things like CCTV cameras, lights, dogs, and fence placement all come to mind. They usually don’t think of the one thing almost everyone has in their yard. This is their plants. They’re green, attractive, and work wonderfully for defensive gardening. Defensive gardening is using plants to keep unwanted people out of your home or business.

First, you want to make sure you get rid of every hiding spot. You don’t plant your hedges to run along solid fence-lines because this gives people hidden pockets to sneak through. Move the hedges away from your home, as well. Thieves can use them to hide from the street view and break into your windows.

Don’t have any trees near your home that could give intruders easy access to a second-story balcony or window. Be generous when you think about reach. People can climb, or they can prop the ladder you left out up against the tree and get in that way. Either keep the trees away from your home or trim the tree’s limbs away from the house. This always prevents damage from storms or high winds.

Incorporating Defensive Gardening in Your Landscaping

Add tight hedges around your home. You want to make it tight enough that people don’t want to attempt to get through them. It may not stop a more determined intruder, but it’ll make them think twice when you combine these tight hedges with motion lights or CCTV cameras.

Incorporate plants that pinch into your landscaping. Holly plants grow in very dense bushes that prickle and pinch when you touch them. Many people plant them under their windows. Blackberry bushes will quickly grow into a hedge with small thorns that can scratch skin and tear clothing. You do want to make a point to prune these bushes back regularly, though, because the birds like it and they’ll spread more bushes throughout your property with their waste products.

Bougainvillea is a plant that grows up to 40 feet long. It grows sharp thorns, dangerous sap, and beautiful flowers. There are dozens of other types of plants you can use depending on your needs and the climate. Your local landscaping company can help you pick out the best choices. They can also tell you how to care for them.

Roses are pretty and functional choices. You can easily plant whole hedges of them, and they have climbing roses available to scale fences and drape over the top. Put one rosebush with large thorns under your window, and your window won’t be vulnerable to intruders anymore.

For people who live in a dry and arid climate like in the desert, they have a whole lineup of defensive plants available. Cacti and agave grow slowly, but planting them under your window gives you a built-in defense system that anyone will hesitate to take on.

If you’re interested in defensive gardening and incorporating it into your own landscape design, contact us. Our staff is happy to help find the best plants for your zone and climate to give you a beautiful and functional look.