what is hydroseeding

When you perform seeding applications, you want a method that is going to cover a lot of areas while giving you full and even results. This is where hydroseeding comes in. If you’ve never heard of it, this quick overview will fill you in on everything you need to know.

How Hydroseeding Started

Maurice Mandell of the Connecticut Highway Department gets credit for starting hydroseeding or hydro mulching in the 1940s. His concept involved mixing water and seed before spraying it on areas around the highways and roads in Connecticut to sow grass to prevent erosion and encourage grass growth after construction. Hydroseeding is a very technical process that involves some specialized equipment, and it’s good for any size project but small. In 1953, Charles Finn of Finn Corporation invented the world’s first hydroseeder. They’re currently the biggest hydroseeder manufacturer in the world.

Defining Hydroseeding

Hydroseeding involves spraying a water-based slurry of mulch, seeds, soil additives, and fertilizer to plant seeds. This is one of the most efficient methods of planting for virtually every application but very small areas. The key to the higher efficiency rate of this process is that you combine all of the essential materials for healthy, quick seed germination in a single application. You’ll need:

  • Fertilizer
  • Great seed to soil contact
  • Seed protection
  • Moisture retention

The first thing you have to do determine which additives you need to add to condition your soil for the highest rate of growth and germination for your seeds. You have to get the soil ready for planting by loosening up any highly compacted soil to let the plant roots break in and grow deep. When you get your soil test results back, you can pick out the correct seed blend to create the grass or plants you want to grow.

You’ll usually plant grass during hydroseeding, but it’s typically a mix of plants and grass in the seeds. Pick out the correct fertilizer and additives. These additives could include aluminum sulfate, elemental sulfur, nitrogen, iron sulfate, or lime. If you’re hydroseeding on a hill or slope, add tackifiers. Finally, you should add mulch to give your seeds the best opportunity to have a healthy and quick start with even and sustained growth.

When is the Best Time to Hydroseed?

Your climate will be the biggest factor that impacts when it’s the best time to hydroseed. Ideally, the temperature will fall in the cool but not cold range, and you should have a reasonable amount of rainfall in the forecast. Rain will help offset your watering costs. Generally speaking, fall is the best time to hydroseed because the seeds can establish themselves before going dormant.

Hydroseeding in the early spring months is also acceptable. The cooler temperature and rainy spring weather can create excellent growing conditions. However, if the spring gets directly followed by a hot summer, you’ll spend more watering for the first year to keep the grass alive and growing. Don’t plant it in the summer unless you have a cheap and abundant water source and a lot of time to tend to it.

Evergreen Landscaping Can Help with Hydroseeding

If you’re interested in learning more about hydroseeding or if you want to use it to help create a lush lawn, contact us. Our staff is ready to help in any way they can.